How to care for your jewelry
Let's face it. Earrings can get pretty crusty! It's so very satisfying to remove your piercings to allow you to clean your ears and your hardware alike. Remember, however that you should never remove your piercing jewelry if your piercing is not fully healed.
Here's our step-by-step guide on how to best clean your gold and titanium jewelry.
1) Wash with warm water and soap: Fill 2 bowls with warm water. Add 3 drops of mild dish soap to one bowl. Dip the corner of a soft cloth into the soapy water. Use this cloth to clean your jewelry. If there's extra grime, use a soft toothbrush or moistened cotton swab.
2) Rinse and dry: Next, dip the piece in the bowl without soap to rinse. Dry it off using a dry, soft cloth. Take care not to snag any claws holding in gems as you can loosen the setting a lose the stone.
3) Polish: Finally, polish the jewelry using a microfiber cloth et voila! Don't use harsh chemical cleaning cloths as they can wear down and discolor your pieces.
If you have access to an ultrasonic jewelry cleaner this can help you more easily clean your jewelry, however they can be expensive and the steps laid out above work just as well!
Extra tips:
1) Avoid chlorine and other harsh chemicals
3) Clean and polish regularly
4) Stay f*cking fabulous!
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